Anti-Money Laundering (aML)
Anti-Money Laundering is a system of laws, regulations, and procedures that help to identify, detect and prevent money laundering. This type of fraud is increasingly becoming more sophisticated with cybercriminals turning to new methods to hide their actions, making it more difficult for investigators to catch them.
Generally speaking, there are two types of money laundering: layering and integration. The former involves the use of multiple, complex financial transactions to hide the source or destination of illicitly gained funds; the latter involves integrating criminal proceeds into legal investments on behalf of criminals who seek to disguise their illegal activities.
A few examples include the laundering of drug money through offshore banking accounts, double invoicing (where multiple companies are billed for the same item), and setting up phony companies as front businesses for transactions related to illegal activities.
We can help you and your organisation plan and implement measures to forestall being a victim of these criminally minded entities.